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It was a great pleasure for me to open the New Work Area on the Waterkant Festival 2019 in Kiel on Friday 14 June by discussing with a very engaged audience the evolution of shifting organizational priorities more and more toward focusing on people and bringing more experiences into our organizations.

how to win the war for talent

We talked about creating a great employee experience as a deeply understanding what people want.
By listening to people and observing how they work, companies can then focus on a holistic approach to meeting people’s needs for sustained well being, smart and connected technology, and access to a diverse range of spaces. With this approach companies can create places where people want to work, gaining an edge over competitors when searching for the best and brightest, for more productivity, motivation and better results.

We discussed the critical factors of how to win the war for talent (see also Jacob Morgans research)…

  • … by giving employees the workspaces they want,
  • … the tools they need,
  • …and a culture they can celebrate

employee experience

Creating an optimal employee experience is an interplay of physical space, culture and technology.
Very often the holistic view in organizations is missing because the responsibility is managed by separate teams. Facility Management, Human Resources and Information Technology departments work rarely together towards the same goals.

So we need a strategic approach, a clear concept and a plan how to create and implement a great employee experience.

Organizations need managers that embody highly credible new ways of work for themselves.


modern workplace factory

To get more quickly competitive and a measurable approach for this we build up the modern workplace factory for Kiel and Schleswig-Holstein. Together with microsoft and steelcase to empower organizations to enable Digital Transformation.

Thank you very much to the Waterkant Team by Tim Logan for this great event and the possibility for announcing our soft launch.

We are looking forward to Waterkant 2020 – coming soon!

Frank Bösenkötter

Frank Bösenkötter

Jahrgang 1970, gebürtiger Kieler, als Geschäftsführer der Dicide GmbH verfügt Frank Bösenkötter über mehr als 20 Jahre Managementerfahrung in diversen Unternehmen im In- und Ausland. Mit dieser Erfahrung und Expertise begleitet er Unternehmen dabei, ihren Arbeitsalltag zu vereinfachen und schneller wettbewerbsfähig zu machen. Dabei geht es ihm immer um das individuelle Zusammenspiel von Beratung - Befähigung - Umsetzung und dem dauerhaften Wissenstransfer. In seiner Freizeit reist Frank gern und beschäftigt sich mit unterschiedlichen Kulturen, er treibt gern Sport, liebt Kulinarisches und interessiert sich sehr für das digitale Leben. Kontaktieren Sie Frank Bösenkötter auf Xing oder LinkedIn.

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